Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Monday 02.20.12

It's Monday (evening) and I'm linking up with Megan.

Dear Monday
You were rough.  And that's not my early morning grouchy side talking.  That's my "I've made it through to the evening and I still think you were rough" side. You provided me with not only a tired day from the lack of sleep I've gotten this weekend, but you also threw in a sinus headache/sinus pressure that lasted all day AND a class presentation.  We're done. I can't even speak to you.

Dear Diet Coke
Thanks for trying today old friend. Sorry that your services were not actually needed since my headache was not my normal one.  You were delicious anyway.

Dear Quakes Mini Rice Cakes
You are my new favorite snack.  I'm allowed to eat you because you're made of rice and your apple cinnamon flavor is fantastic. So is the cheddar which the boyfriend so kindly picked up for me since I ate my way through a bag in two days. He bought me the extra large bag because he knows me.

Dear Sarah, my roomie and best friend
Wednesday is your birthday but tomorrow the fun begins!  We're going out to Annie Bailey's pub since you've never been and it'll be lovely. Can't believe it's the last birthday that we'll celebrate together.

Dear Graduation
You suddenly became a lot more real.  I ordered my cap and gown today. Crazy town. Slow down please.

Dear Double Date Saturday Night
You were the bomb.  Loved hanging out with Aaron's parents for pizza and then an acrobatics/pop music show!  It was so fun and different and I loved our "double date"

Dear Goofy Construction Worker
You were super silly tonight on Skype.  It made me smile after the Monday I've had.  I'm so thankful for you and so excited for our weekend.  I'm going to kick your butt at bowling.  Love you. <3

1 comment:

  1. I understand a carbonated Coke product kind of day. I try to reserve those for what I like to call "Dr. Pepper Friday" so I'm promised to have a magical kind of day, but the past couple weeks I've had to have a Dr. Pepper Wednesday to get me over the hump!
