Monday, October 31, 2011

Dear Monday
You were kind of crazy today.  In weird ways.  You started off sucky, with me having to ice pick my car.  But then you redeemed yourself with a power outage at work that let me go home and some awesome Halloween time with the boyfriend.  Overall grade- B+

Dear Little Girl Dressed as a Dinosaur
You were the sweetest trick-or-treater that I ever saw.  Thanks for learning to say Trick or Treat just in time. I want you as my child one day.

Dear Fabulous Faux Riding Boots
Thank you for costing m $25 and being the best purchase of the season.  But mostly thank you for handling snow just like you handle the rest of my life-flawlessly.

Dear Aaron
You were cute tonight with the little kids in costumes.  I could tell you wanted to be in a costume too-next year!

Dear Longass Data Report
You were a whopping 14 pages.  That is nonsense.  You're not even my final report.  Good grief-I'm in for a rough few weeks.

Dear Love
You are the best.  Thanks for being sweet as candy corn tonight!  After the above mentioned crazy day, you were a winner.  You were also a winner for being around this weekend during the crazy snow.  I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your Halloweeny Monday ended up better than it started off!
