Monday, November 28, 2011

Link up with Megan for Dear Monday. It's my new favorite thing!  And my favorite part of a Monday!
 Dear Monday
Although you came around way too fast after a holiday, I don't hate you quite so much today. Mostly, I just wish that my university honored Deer Hunting as an official holiday like the rest of Pennsylvania.

Dear Roomates
I am PUMPED beyond PUMPED words to decorate our sweet house for Christmas tonight.  I decorated my room last night and it is so sweet and happy.  However, nothing compares to decorating the tree with you girls. Or when Sarah gets goofy and makes us take like 100 pictures of her being weird.  Let's hope for a rerun this year! 

Dear Mama
Thanks for buying me copious amounts of groceries.  It feels great to actually eat as opposed to scrounging for food last Monday and Tuesday so nothing would go bad over the break.

Dear Thanksgiving
You were perfect. Positively perfect. And completely needed.

Dear Two Presentations and a 10 Page Paper
You're not done. And that worries me.  You also are presenting lots of challenges. I'm not a big fan. Let's get this whole thing over with, ok?!

Dear Love
Yesterday was 6 months together.  And people might think it's silly to celebrate each month together, but each month is special and gives us time to set aside to celebrate.  I love you & last night was just too wonderful with dinner at the DipCo and then watching the Grinch.  And the beautiful necklace & earrings you surprised me with are just so freaking sweet.  I'm wearing them today and they make me so happy.  You really are the best. <3

1 comment:

  1. Celebrating your love every month? Sounds awesome! Nick and I have gotten out of the habit (after a year, we thought "13 months" sounded silly and just kind of stopped) but still have frequent date nights so we can celebrate each other!

    And you're right, UPenn is in your neck of the woods! That's his #1 choice (an amazing school, great program, and out of the state of Texas!) so pray (or cross your fingers if that's more your thing) they love him!

    Happy Monday, Alyssa!

