Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It was Labor Day Weekend...

Oh yeah-2 weeks ago.  Sorry kids, but this sweet blog of mine has been getting the heave-ho during school days.  It never fails that school manages to get crazy (like The Exorcist-head spinning-children screaming crazy) by week 3.  In case you weren't aware, I am IN week 3. Right now. This second. Sigh.

Oh yes, but back to the blog post.  All about Labor Day Weekend and it was an excellent one! 

Let's recap shall we....

Friday evening
Mamacita & I went to the Great Allentown Fair for the Sugarland Concert and OH MY was it wonderful.
I sang loud and much. It was perfection!

 With my sweet shirt!
 Mom with her shirt.
 Opening number :)
 Most fabulous concert ever!!!!!!!
 That's my girl!

LOBSTER FEST!  Need I say more? Seriously, it was amazing. Aaron (yeah he was along for the weekend) and I picked up the grandparents then headed back to a delicious meal.  Lobster, Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Buscuits, & Tater Tots. I'm still dreaming about the meal because it was like heaven.

 Holding what would eventually land in my belly. So good. And yes, I'm wearing my concert shirt. Nerd alert.
Loved spending my weekend with him.

Saturday Evening
Lots of Wii, lots of games, lots of fun!

Church, out to eat for breakfast (again-yum) & then the Phillies game. 
Aaron and I headed back to Lanc in the afternoon so we could actually still have a holiday off.

Overall, a great weekend.
Loving life, loving it all.

Hope YOU had a great Labor Day. 

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