Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Setting a Goal and Sticking to It

So I have dappled in the blog world last year, attempting to write about the trials and tribulations of living in a house.  However, aside from the occasional incident (read: live mouse caught in a trap in my bedroom) we lead a very calm existence in the house.  That does not make for interesting reading OR writing. 

But then I had a lightbulb moment.  I wrote down some goals (I prefer goals to resolutions) a few days before we rang in 2011.  These goals were broad for the most part but covered darn near every aspect of my life. 

Disclaimer: I am usually terrible at keeping up with my resolutions goals throughout the year.  I get lazy, preoccupied, stressed, and complacent.  But this year I have one thing going for me.  I have already done a schload of stuff to work on these goals.  Yes, a schload.  And I figured that my documenting my adventures (and based on some of the things I hoped for in 2011-there will be adventures of some sort) and complete failures at managing these hopes for the next year. 

So here you have it-this is no longer Year of the Rabbit.  It is Year of the Fabulous.  But that is what I intend to be this year.  And I hope that for anyone who stumbles across this in cyberspace, that this may be Year of the Fabulous for you as well.

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